Welcome to the Online Small Grants Application Form for Stratford Town Trust
As we are approaching the end of our budget year, please conatct the grants team to dicuss your project before submitting an applicaiotn.
Please e-mail: applications@stratfordtowntrust.co.uk
A Small Grant, of up to £2,000, is intended to enable constituted community groups and small local charities* to support and develop their communities with the aim of creating a vibrant and connected town.
You don't have to complete the form in one go, you can log out at any time and your input will be saved. Should you forget your password, click, 'Have you forgotten your password?' enter the registered email address and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
* By small charity we mean an organisation with a typical annual income of less than £100,000. (As defined by NCVO) Please contact us to discuss if you are unsure if you may be considered; applications@stratfordtowntrust.co.uk
Please remember to click on the ‘submit’ button when you are ready to send us your application.
Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (WCAVA) is able to provide information, advice and support with your application to us and other funders. Please contact;
Chris Freeman, Funding and Group Development Officer
T: 01789 333768
M: 07850 515185
E: chrisfreeman@wcava.org.uk
Click here to see all the questions on the form before registering to start your application.